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LSCP Escalation Procedure

The purpose of the LSCP Escalation Procedure is to ensure that all partner agencies working within Liverpool have a quick and straightforward means of resolving differences in professional perspectives in order to safeguard the welfare of children and young people.

See: LSCP Resolution & Escalation Procedure.

The LSCP Escalation procedure ensures that partner agencies have a quick and straightforward means of resolving differences, in professional perspectives, in order to safeguard the welfare of children and young people. The LSCP Escalation Procedure should be read in conjunction with organisation's procedures for escalation of concerns.

Effective working together depends on resolving disagreements to the satisfaction of workers and agencies, and a belief in genuine partnership and joint working to safeguard children. Problem resolution is an integral part of professional cooperation and joint working to safeguard children.

Every agency should have their own procedures in place for how to deal with concerns within their own setting. On occasion, where concerns need to be raised with another agency, workers should ensure this occurs as soon as possible following the disagreement and all information clearly recorded. If a resolution cannot be reached worker to worker, then this will be progressed to line managers.

When any professional considers a child is at immediate risk of Significant Harm, then the individual must ensure their concerns are escalated on the same working day using established safeguarding procedures. At no time must professional disagreement detract from ensuring a child is safeguarded. The child's welfare and safety must remain paramount throughout.

Differing opinions could arise in a number of areas, but are most likely to arise as a result of:

  • Levels of need and intervention;
  • Lack of understanding of roles and responsibilities;
  • The need for action and communication.

Examples where the concerns about the child should prompt action are given below although this list is not exhaustive:

  • A referral is not considered to meet eligibility criteria for assessment by Children's Social Care, for example, several low level concerns;
  • A professional is concerned about the action and inaction of another professional in relation to a child or family member;
  • There is disagreement between professionals as to the course of action in an open case;
  • Whether there should be an Initial Child Protection Conference, or whether a case should be closed;
  • Disagreement over the sharing of information and/or provision of services;
  • Disagreements over the outcome of any assessment and whether the appropriate plan is in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child.

Where professionals consider that the practice, or decision making of other professionals is placing children at risk of harm, they must be assertive and act swiftly and ensure that they challenge any relevant professionals.

Last Updated: October 25, 2023
